
A partnership in the name of sustainability

Last Monday we were able to put four Volvo FH Electrics into operation for our branch in Italy, which are mainly used for the transportation of spare parts.

A partnership in the name of sustainability

On Monday, June 17, 2024, we received our first four Volvo FH Electric tractor units at Volvo Trucks Italia's headquarters - another step in the spirit of Green Logistics by Galliker to implement innovative and sustainable transport and logistics solutions.

In terms of energy efficiency, no technology currently available is comparable to that of an electric vehicle. For this reason, the decision to add four more fully electric commercial vehicles to the fleet of more than 1,000 vehicles is particularly significant. We began electrifying our own vehicle fleet in 2021 and are aiming for completely CO2-neutral corporate operations by 2050.

The new FH Electric vehicles are characterized by a typical detail that complements our traditional wine red and yellow paintwork and makes the vehicles unmistakably recognizable as electric vehicles: The cladding of the six traction batteries is provided with a graphic representing a rechargeable battery and 100% Electric. The FH electric tractors have been configured with a rated power of 540 kWh, a total towing weight of up to 44 tons and the FH Globetrotter cab. These vehicles are used for the emission-free transportation of automotive components from global brands and are always charged using energy from renewable sources.

"Taking responsibility for the future of our planet is a fundamental obligation. That's why we have set ourselves an ambitious goal: to reduce CO2 emissions to zero by 2050," said Giovanni Dattoli, Managing Director of Volvo Trucks Italy. "Electromobility plays a crucial role in our strategy, which aims to achieve net zero emissions with a mix of different technologies."

Galliker-VRP and COO Rolf Galliker is also thinking along the same lines: "We are aware of our responsibility as an international transport and logistics company. Against the background of our many different business areas, we are grateful that we can share many of our values, visions and goals with our partners, customers and suppliers. This includes the goal of reducing our CO2 emissions to net zero by 2050; a goal that Volvo also shares with us. This creates a perfect starting point to tackle this challenge together - because as partners, we can achieve great things together."

In the hope that this step will also serve as an example and role model for many other transport companies in the introduction and expansion of sustainable delivery processes, we are consistently pursuing the Green Logistics path.

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