Every spare part just-in-time
directly to the dealer

Increasingly complex technology and rapidly changing model series are leading to larger article masters and considerable additional work for dealers - short-term availability from external warehouses is therefore becoming increasingly important. To meet this need, we supply spare parts to dealers and garages in Switzerland on behalf of various manufacturers. We also store the parts as a central dealer warehouse or relocate the warehouse to the road using the cross-docking process. Short delivery windows from order to delivery are the major challenge in parts logistics.



The transportation of the required spare parts usually begins with daily collection from production facilities or central warehouses in Switzerland and abroad. We tailor the delivery to dealers in Switzerland to the very different requirements of the importers. The parts ordered the day before arrive in Switzerland overnight and are delivered to our parts distribution platform in the morning. Here they are transferred to the Galliker delivery fleet, which serves garages in all parts of the country within the shortest possible time. Multiple deliveries per day are even possible on request.


Warehouse for spare parts

We maintain and manage central spare parts warehouses for individual car brands for the Swiss market. The warehouses are replenished daily from the respective European warehouses of the groups. Stock removal and picking are carried out directly via our system on the basis of dealer orders. The Galliker Parts fleet takes care of delivery on a daily basis via fixed distribution routes throughout Switzerland. Central warehouse concepts of this kind offer the customer maximum flexibility with extremely short delivery times.

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Value Added Services

Spare parts orders are picked on an order basis. Each box contains the parts relevant to a specific order. This saves the recipient valuable time when sorting out parts. The mechanic can start work sooner and the customer gets his vehicle back faster. This win-win is a typical value-added service solution from Galliker in line with our service philosophy.