Ordered today - delivered tomorrow

Our own Galliker branch network enables a smooth, round-the-clock pick-up and delivery service for transport goods throughout Switzerland. Picked up today, moved overnight by rail between the branches, delivered on time tomorrow in fine distribution.

Standort Altishofen Vorschaubild-2000x841


Our central platform in Altishofen is the heart of our national distribution network. Our eight international branches also make us flexible for Europe-wide transportation. We take care of part and full loads, combined transport, RoRo transport and offer services such as import and export customs clearance. We make your transportation uncomplicated and reliable.

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Galliker Dienstleistungen Car-Logistics Transporte...
Galliker Dienstleistungen Cargo-Logistics Warehous...
Galliker Dienstleistungen Cargo-Logistics Warehous...

Warehouse for goods

Versatile storage solutions are part of our core business: customized, professional and flexible storage services for individual needs. Highly qualified warehouse staff handle all goods with the utmost care. Thanks to decades of experience, a high degree of flexibility and first-class infrastructure, we can provide a wide range of storage services.

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Galliker Dienstleistungen Cargo-Logistics Warehous...

Value Added Services

As extended cargo services, we offer packing and picking solutions, including picking, repacking, labeling and special product adaptations. State-of-the-art IT technologies ensure efficient order processing - from pallet/detail picking to innovative picking and DESADV data transfer.

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Galliker Hohe Qualitaet-1872x1333