
Working together to reduce CO2 emissions: International e-transports for UCB

As a partner and service provider for UCB, we have been transporting and storing various pharmaceutical products for several years. As part of the transports, which take place both nationally and internationally, we used a Galliker e-truck in a test run for the first time. The 800 km route from UCB Farchim SA in Bulle (CH) to Recipharm in Pianezza (IT) and back was mastered with the electric truck from Designwerk with an autonomous range of 500 km - saving an impressive 842 kg of CO2 emissions on the outward and return journey.

Working together to reduce CO2 emissions: Internat...

The joint test run shows what is possible through innovative and open collaboration and sends a strong signal for the future of environmentally friendly transportation. Sustainability is a top priority for both us as a Galliker family business and for UCB, as we are both committed to achieving the Net Zero 2050 goal. This is our responsibility as part of the UCB supply chain to agilely optimize our ways of working to reduce CO2 emissions. Not only are we consistently pursuing our Green Logistics strategy, but together with UCB we are also pursuing the goals we have set ourselves as members of the SBT initiative.

The test run on June 18 went as planned without incident. The goods initially loaded in Bulle (CH) found their way to Italy and were delivered on time before the new freight was loaded for the return journey to Switzerland.

The e-truck mastered the route without any problems and the batteries were recharged at our Galliker hubs in Turin (IT) and San Antonino (CH). We are proud to have taken this successful step together with UCB and Recipharm.

Together we can achieve great things and set the course for more environmentally friendly logistics.

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