
Pioneering e-power tunnel project as a flagship

Together with CKW and other partners, we have made great progress in the development of our charging infrastructure in recent months and years. One of the milestones is our e-power tunnel, which supplies 28 truck parking spaces with electricity for the installed charging stations.

Pioneering e-power tunnel project as a flagship

CKW has explained the background to the idea and the resulting performance in its blog post - you can read it here.

We are pleased to have found a reliable partner in CKW AG to supply the necessary components. Special thanks also go to our long-standing partners, Thomas Lüem Partner AG (electrical planning), Fent AG (civil engineers / overall planners), Frey + Cie Elektro AG (electrical installations), who actively supported us in the development and implementation of this pioneering project from the very beginning and made a significant contribution to its success. Of course, we would also like to thank all the other companies involved.

Thomas Müller, Head of Infrastructure Services

Source of photos 1-3: CKW AG

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