
Imbach puts high-performance photovoltaic system into operation

In a further step towards a sustainable energy supply, Imbach Logistik AG was able to commission a state-of-the-art photovoltaic system at the Imbach headquarters in Schachen at the beginning of October. The new system has an impressive output of 1,156 kWp and produces around 1,204 MWh of electricity per year. This provides enough energy to supply around 256 households for a year.

Imbach puts high-performance photovoltaic system i...

Impressive dimensions and state-of-the-art technology

A total of 2,600 solar modules (type LONGi) were installed on an area of around 5,100 m². The energy generated by the modules runs through eight inverters, also installed on the roof, and is thus processed for use. The mounting system comes from the Swiss manufacturer "Ernst Schweizer", which, in addition to the ecological aspect, also focuses on regionality. Two values that play a major role in the sustainability strategy of Galliker and Imbach.

Direct use of the electricity produced

One of the most important advantages of the new photovoltaic system is the direct use of the electricity generated in Imbach's own infrastructure, including logistics centers 1, 2 and 3 as well as the truck workshop. In addition, the fast charging station for the e-trucks is also supplied with electricity by the PV system. If more energy is produced than is required for daily operations, the surplus electricity is fed into the public grid.

The site in Schachen thus complements the existing photovoltaic system on the roof of the logistics center in Lucerne, which means that a total roof area of around 10,000 m² is used to generate electricity.

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"With the installation and commissioning of the PV system in Schachen, we have reached another significant milestone in our consistent sustainability strategy. The energy produced by the system can be used directly for daily operations, enabling us to provide our customers with even more environmentally friendly services. Together with the PV system on the roof of the new logistics center at the Lucerne site, we occupy around 10,000 m² of roof space and produce energy for over 500 households."

Christian Kempter-Imbach, Managing Director Imbach Logistik AG

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