
Galliker Road Days: Insight into everyday life on the road

A ride in a truck: this was possible at the Galliker Road Days - for all those interested in the everyday life of a chauffeur.

Galliker Road Days: Insight into everyday life on ...

From 2 to 13 October, more than 100 people took advantage of the opportunity to gain an insight into the day-to-day work of chauffeurs and experience varied hours on the road. After an early wake-up call, they were on the road until the evening with drivers from the cargo, food and car logistics sectors. Some guests enjoyed a trip in one of the all-electric or hydrogen-powered trucks in the Galliker fleet. All passengers were given an authentic insight behind the scenes. Their feedback was consistently positive and the co-pilots were impressed by the work of the drivers.

Women power: Lara Stalder as co-pilot with Rolf Galliker on the road

Anyone could sign up to spend a day as a co-driver at Galliker Transport AG. We were therefore delighted to receive the request from Lara Stalder - a young Swiss ice hockey player who has proven herself in the male domain of field hockey, is committed to women's power and shows that no industry or profession is dependent on gender. On the contrary: her fascination for the impressively large vehicles, the complexity of the logistics and, of course, a little bit of the beautiful view from the high driver's cab impressed us in turn. We as a team, including COO Rolf Galliker, who didn't miss the opportunity to show Lara the world of driving himself. The two of them took care of the delivery of 6 vehicles, which were transported from the Galliker headquarters in Altishofen to Benelli in Zurich, freshly prepared. A day full of impressions, during which Lara also felt at home for a brief moment - if only thanks to the work gloves, which reminded the ice hockey goalkeeper of her personal passion.

We would like to thank Lara and all those interested for their openness and enthusiasm for what makes up our day-to-day work and hope that we were able to spread a little bit of our enjoyment of transport and logistics throughout society.

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