The total module area of the solar installation is an impressive 4054 m2 and thus covers the entire roof of Logistics Center 2. This means that a total of over 81,000 m2 of PV with a total output of over 15 MWp is already in operation for Galliker Transport AG. The next system at Imbach Logistik AG in Schachen will also be connected to the grid this fall. Galliker Transport AG has been consistently focusing on the production and use of clean solar power for many years, so the construction of the plant in Möhlin is just a logical step in the implementation of the Green Logistics by Galliker strategy.
Galliker Möhlin: Another 900 kWp output contributes to own power supply
The 21st PV system of Galliker Transport AG was put into operation in Möhlin in August. Since then, the system on the roof of Logistics Center 2 has been producing electricity for the building with an output of over 900 kWp - in future, this electricity production is to be used for the entire Galliker site in Möhlin. The necessary structural and technical work is already being planned.