
Galliker Innovation Day 2024: Progress and sustainability in logistics

On Wednesday, July 3, the Galliker Innovation Day 2024 took place in Altishofen. Around 200 invited guests were given an insight into the Swiss family-owned company's commitment to sustainability, development and innovation through guided tours and various keynote speeches. Parallel to the actual event, the Designwerk Mega Charger, a battery storage system with a fast-charging station for electric trucks, was put into operation on the grounds of the Galliker headquarters. Culinary highlights at the flying lunch and an aperitif at the end of the event provided opportunities for personal exchanges and networking discussions.

Galliker Innovation Day 2024: Progress and sustain...

Already the third event in the name of sustainability
After the "Green Day 2020" and the "Innovation Day 2022", the "Innovation Day 2024" was the third event in the name of sustainability. Galliker once again presented not only the results of an innovative mindset, but also the motivations and technologies that underlie sustainable entrepreneurial progress. The day offered insights into innovation, technology and entrepreneurial conviction in the spirit of progress. In the morning, the Galliker sales team guided customers and partners through the Car Center and the new Logistics Center 7 in several groups. The flying lunch was followed by exciting keynote speeches in the afternoon.

Keynote speeches by internal and external experts
The importance of electromobility and alternative drive systems and associated infrastructures was underlined by keynote speeches from Damian Müller, member of the Council of States, and Andreas Burgener, former director of Auto Schweiz. Both speakers provided insights into social and political goals, trends and challenges that are influencing the shift towards alternative energy sources. In addition to the guest speakers, the Galliker internal experts Peter Steinmann (Head of Quality Management) and David Fenk (Data Analyst) also addressed the guests by presenting the specially developed, certified CO2 calculator - while Peter and Rolf Galliker provided an in-depth insight into the history of the company and the concept of sustainability in their respective presentations.

Commissioning of the Mega Charger with fast charging station
Parallel to the presentations, the Designwerk Mega Charger was put into operation, a significant step in the development of sustainable charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. The battery-buffered fast-charging system, which is the size of a standard container, is used to charge heavy electric trucks and is also intended to relieve the power grid of peak loads during charging processes. The new Energy Truck was also presented, a project in collaboration with Valiant Bank and Astag. In future, the jointly branded truck will be used at events and in schools to provide information about energy and electromobility.

The Galliker Innovation Day 2024 was a complete success and offered participants valuable insights into the future of logistics. Innovations, opportunities, challenges and partnership engagement were the focus of the day. With events like this, Galliker sends a clear signal about the importance of collaboration and continuous development in the logistics industry. Visitors left the event with new impressions, ideas and a strengthened network - ready to achieve great things together.

Many thanks to all the helpers and the entire sales team for their great support - once again we were able to enjoy an exciting, successful event and receive numerous compliments from the guests, which we would like to pass on to you.

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Galliker Innovation Day 2024: Progress and sustain...

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