
Galliker celebrates successful apprenticeship graduation class of 2024

Last week, the apprentices of the 2024 graduation year were honored at the Galliker apprenticeship graduation ceremony. However, only 20% of them were bid farewell, as the majority of former apprentices are continuing their careers at Galliker. The 43 apprenticeship graduates from Galliker and its subsidiary Imbach Logistik were trained in a total of 17 different apprenticeships, which are divided into 6 different "Galliker Academies". in 2024, there were 5 honorary mentions among all graduates.

Galliker celebrates successful apprenticeship grad...

The professional world of transport and logistics is diverse. At Galliker Transport AG, for example, a total of 15 other professions are trained upstream and downstream of the central areas of road transport specialists and logisticians: From commercial professions to IT specialists, plumbers, painters and mechatronics engineers with various specializations. This enables the transport company to take on around 160 apprentices, between 40 and 50 of whom complete their training each year. This year, together with the subsidiary Imbach Logistik, there were 43, 80% of whom will continue to be employed by Galliker or Imbach. "A result that makes us very proud," says Rolf Galliker, COO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Galliker Transport AG.

Broad commitment to training and five honorary mentions
The broad commitment to training, which has grown steadily over the past decades, as well as the five honorary mentions of the 2024 graduating class make Rolf Galliker and the entire company very positive: "As a family business, we not only attach great importance to sustainable working methods in an ecological sense and good customer relations. Our employees and internal expertise, which is cultivated by long-standing employees and internal training and further education, are also of the utmost importance to us."

Part of the sustainability strategy: the Galliker Academy World
In future, the wide range of training and development courses will be brought together in the Galliker Academy World. Consisting of six individual academies - the Driver Academy, Transport Academy, Technical Academy, Logistics Academy, IT Academy and Business Academy - all individual professions will be led by specialized experts. An investment in the future that is groundbreaking for the family business, according to Sandra Weiss, Head of Human Resources: "The expansion of Galliker Academy World goes hand in hand with our conviction that employees are a company's greatest asset. We therefore see ourselves not only as an employer, but in a certain sense as a host for trainees, specialists and managers. With the aim of offering everyone a fulfilling working day with us."

You can find more information about the Galliker Academy here.

Aftermovie of the Galliker apprenticeship graduation ceremony 2024

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